
Saturday, May 07, 2005

We Can't Keep Running Away

No body was born without a responsibility or assignment. We've all got one thing or the other we're destined to do. Some people are making impact in life while some are not. Those who are not making any impact have chosen not to. So many people have passed through life, but only a tiny fraction of those who have moved to the other side made and are still making impact in this world.(people like Mother Theresa would forever be remembered though she's moved on and yet she is still making impact in life,likewise Martin Luther King) while some one like Joseph Blue(who is that?!!!!!) cannot be remembered by anybody because he didnt affect any life before passing on.

You may be wondering "who gives two hoots?" well i do and so does your creator! We cant keep running away from that which we have been called to do. I cannot afford to leave this world without being remembered for something positive. There are so many things around us that are calling for a change, if we open our eyes and our hearts we would see them and contribute our own quota .

My country NIGERIA calls for a change and i have made up my mind to contribute positively to changing her for the better. I have decided to make it my responsibility. If we both decide to make a positive impact in changing my beloved country Nigeria don't you think the upcoming generation would have some thing to thank God for?

We cant keep running away from our responsibility. If we dont do what we can and push it unto others to do, that means we are depriving generations yet unborn of what they should enjoy and give praise to God for.( Imagine if Martin Luther King hadnt made it his responsibility to fight for the liberation of Black Americans, wouldnt they still be under humilation now?).

See Clearly with the aid of the Binoculars: You Can't keep running away,take up your responsibility and contribute your own quota in making this World a better place. (Nigerians reading this, Dont run away from your own country,contribute your own quota too and let the upcoming generation have something to praise God for.


  • At 4:16 PM, Blogger saade said…

    Kemi, I am convinced Nigeria is at a crises point and it will take a lot more than what is being done now to salvage it.We need to work out the right image for a responsible country and has a responsible member of community of nations.We need to start doing stuff that will open more opportunities to both human and natural resources development and every nigerian must establish this as first priority.I think our attitude to progressive thinking and implementation is long due for repair and Nigerians need people like you to keep this warnign notice up.Thank you.

  • At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No! we can't kep runnig away.

    Nigeria is our Country and even when we become citizens of any other country, we would still be regarded as a second class citizen.

    I suggest we all ask ourselves this Quiestion WHAT CAN I DO FOR MY COUNTRY ? AND NOT WHAT CAN MY COUNTRY DO FOR ME. This is the way forward. Once you realise that you can make an impact in your country hence the whole world, the sky will not even be your limit.

    Remember, only a foolish person goes to sleep when his roof is on fire.

    You are better off being a wise person; so make your impact today!

  • At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Do you really believe that you can live on earth and not make an impact. For me, i guess the question is what impact are you making, a positive one or a negative impact. what will people who know you say if your name is mentioned. Man was not made to exist in isolation, due to that fact we have made contacts with some people in life and left an impression with each of them when we made contact with them. The question we need to ask like i said earlier is this whether it was positive or negative impact. Another question to ask is the magnitude. Selah.

  • At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the anonymous write up was given by Busola


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