
Saturday, July 02, 2005


No matter what you go/ are going through in life, dont give up! The Challenges we face on life's journey is what makes life so interesting. Cut out the challenges and life gets all so boring.

Challenges differ with people. What i consider as a challenge may not be the same for you. But no matter how big or small your challenges may be, it is the necessary spice needed to make life fun!

I often times want to give up in the face of my challenges but the taste and pleasure of victory spurs me on! As i write, i have a million battles and challenges im combating, but thats not enough reason for me to give up on myself! Id keep on moving on because i know that quitters NEVER win and WINNERS never QUIT. My victory and success is just around the corner. I wont stop moving, I wont give up!!

See Clearly with the aid of the Binoculars: The Great MOUNTAIN before you can become a plain, Just dont give up!!!


  • At 10:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    May your road be rough - tai Solarin

    Challenges are what form us into who we are. You never find out about your character until you've been through stuff !!

  • At 1:54 PM, Blogger saade said…

    Fear,doubts,failure,deadlines,poverty,hunger,underdevelopment,famine, floods,rejection,sickness,stress,savings,risk... does this list have an end?What a challenge!
    For this purpose you were choosen to find an answer;to raise the awareness that it is but a challenge.Thank you for voicing it.

  • At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I seem to find in you a rather interesting mind. Your article about farming caught my attention, maybe because I am into one myself. I sneaked into your website and left impressed. Read 3 of your articles so far and my conclusions are that, you possess a good writing skill. Thanks for keeping my mind engaged.


  • At 7:33 PM, Blogger Oluwakemi said…

    thank u all for your comments.

  • At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Challenges are inevitable in life. If the butterfly will not struggle, it wont come out of the coccon. If the baby in the womb won't make n effort to turn in prepartion for the new world, it wont come out. If the toddler won't make an effort to walk it will never stand on his or her feet. The final conclusion: simply enjoy challenges becuse there is always light at the end of the tunnel Jibola Samo

  • At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Through this, the world can tap into the unending abilities of God's creativity and omnipotence; also within this very plain lies the extent to which the devil can twist and propagate pervertion, and also create catastrophic occurrences. The flesh and the spirit are at constant war to gain more of this territory to further their intents; This battlefield is the mind.
    Victory here and sure, for either of the two opposing forces furthers a kingdom; but the victory we are convinced has been secured in Christ. So lets renew our minds to this effect and change our world.


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