Like a worm burrowing into the earth,
so is doubt eating deep into the hearts of men.
Doubt you what tomorrow holds,
Anxiety you would have as your best friend!!!
Doubt incapacitates where faith energises.
Doubt holds you in bondage where faith sets you free.
Faith is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of fear!
Doubt you today what tomorrow holds, and tomorrow would be but an illussion!!!
See Clearly with the aids of the Binoculars: So many dreams we have, look impossible to attain because we often times allow doubt into our hearts. So many dreams have been left to die because of doubt. If only we would just believe!! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM WHO BELIEVES!!
Like a worm burrowing into the earth,
so is doubt eating deep into the hearts of men.
Doubt you what tomorrow holds,
Anxiety you would have as your best friend!!!
Doubt incapacitates where faith energises.
Doubt holds you in bondage where faith sets you free.
Faith is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of fear!
Doubt you today what tomorrow holds, and tomorrow would be but an illussion!!!
See Clearly with the aids of the Binoculars: So many dreams we have, look impossible to attain because we often times allow doubt into our hearts. So many dreams have been left to die because of doubt. If only we would just believe!! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM WHO BELIEVES!!
At 5:32 PM, Anonymous said…
Nice words from you. It is the right words at the right time to a dying world. You have to know deep within you that there is absolutly nothing in earth to fear. The father of doubt is FEAR.And once you can deal with it, heaven is the limit because God in this new dispensation dosn't want to be fear but LOVED Jibola Samo
At 7:21 PM, Anonymous said…
A lot of us can use some amount of faith in our lives. I've often had to be reminded of the essential virtures of life that'll keep my feet rooted and brain focused, it's a good feeling knowing that someone one where isn't forgetting. I'm presently having doubts as to what the future holds for me after N.Y.S.C. but then when I'm thinking along my own human thots I seem to be limited but reading this article helps me remember that fear and doubt are the last things we could come to God with. Right now I'm praying for faith to take the place of fear in my heart. I'm trusting God, the Author and Finisher of my faith. Thanks for the lifting words.
At 7:41 PM, Anonymous said…
This message came at a point where i had given up on something i held dear to my she said doubt would only kill ur ability to beleive is only faith that can access his throne room, that is one major currency used in heaven
And to you kemi, am still trying to understand how you joggle ur words to illustrate ur points. Keep up the good work
Love you loads. You are a blessing to me most especially.
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