
Saturday, July 02, 2005


No matter what you go/ are going through in life, dont give up! The Challenges we face on life's journey is what makes life so interesting. Cut out the challenges and life gets all so boring.

Challenges differ with people. What i consider as a challenge may not be the same for you. But no matter how big or small your challenges may be, it is the necessary spice needed to make life fun!

I often times want to give up in the face of my challenges but the taste and pleasure of victory spurs me on! As i write, i have a million battles and challenges im combating, but thats not enough reason for me to give up on myself! Id keep on moving on because i know that quitters NEVER win and WINNERS never QUIT. My victory and success is just around the corner. I wont stop moving, I wont give up!!

See Clearly with the aid of the Binoculars: The Great MOUNTAIN before you can become a plain, Just dont give up!!!